What NAICS Code Should I Use for an AirBNB or VRBO Business?

Renting out a spare room, guest house, vacation house, or even a dedicated property on Airbnb or VRBO can be quite a profitable business. What is the NAICS code for this type of business?

If you operate an Airbnb or VRBO business by renting out rooms or properties, then you should use NAICS code 721199 (“All Other Traveler Accomodation”).

However, if you apply for an EIN online, the IRS will determine your NAICS code for themselves based on the description you provide of your primary business activity. This is not an overly critical thing to worry about though since NAICS codes are mostly just used for the calculation of government statistics.

Ricky Nave

In college, Ricky studied physics & math, won a prestigious research competition hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, started several small businesses including an energy chewing gum business and a computer repair business, and graduated with a thesis in algebraic topology. After graduating, Ricky attended grad school at Duke University in the mathematics PhD program where he worked on quantum algorithms & non-Euclidean geometry models for flexible proteins. He also worked in cybersecurity at Los Alamos during this time before eventually dropping out of grad school to join a startup working on formal semantic modeling for legal documents. Finally, he left that startup to start his own in the finance & crypto space. Now, he helps entrepreneurs pay less capital gains tax.

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