Videos & Maps from Inside Ukraine During 2022 Russian Attack

During the night of February 23-24 in American timezones (early morning of February 24 in Ukraine), Russia attacked Ukraine in multiple regions, including many areas outside the separatist regions in eastern Ukraine. The following videos show the perspective of people on the ground in Ukraine during these attacks.

Ivano-Frankivsk Missile Strike

Ivano-Frankivsk is a city located in western Ukraine, far from the separatist regions that Russia used as an excuse to invade.

Missile Attack

Kharkiv Explosions

Kharkiv is a city in northeast Ukraine near the separatist regions.


The city and its surrounding area have become a hotbed of military fighting.

Ground Fighting near Kharkiv

(Unconfirmed) Russian Strike on Uman

Reportedly, Ukrainian grain silos in Uman have been hit by Russian strike. Uman is a city in central Ukraine.

Uman, Ukraine
Reportedly a Russian strike against grain silos in Uman, Ukraine

Belgorod Region (Russia) – Tank Mobilization

Russian tanks mobilize in Belgorod, Russia (a region just across the Ukranian-Russian border from Kharkiv) and head towards the border.

Ukranian Tanks Destroyed in Kherson

The Kherson region of Ukraine is a southern area immediately adjacent to Crimea.

This next video appears to show a line of destroyed Ukrainian T-64BV tanks in Kherson, possibly the result of Russian airstrikes.

Russian tanks enter Kherson from Crimea

The following is footage from security cameras at the Crimea border, showing Russian tanks and military vehicles entering Ukraine.

Ricky Nave

In college, Ricky studied physics & math, won a prestigious research competition hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, started several small businesses including an energy chewing gum business and a computer repair business, and graduated with a thesis in algebraic topology. After graduating, Ricky attended grad school at Duke University in the mathematics PhD program where he worked on quantum algorithms & non-Euclidean geometry models for flexible proteins. He also worked in cybersecurity at Los Alamos during this time before eventually dropping out of grad school to join a startup working on formal semantic modeling for legal documents. Finally, he left that startup to start his own in the finance & crypto space. Now, he helps entrepreneurs pay less capital gains tax.

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