11 Startup Business Ideas that use ChatGPT

GPT-3 empowered startups like Jasper (an AI copywriter) to reach tens of millions of dollars in revenue within 2 years of launching. OpenAI (the company behind GPT-3) just released a new AI model a few days ago: ChatGPT. Like its predecessor, ChatGPT creates new opportunities for startups. In this article, I describe 11 startup ideas that entrepreneurs could launch using ChatGPT.

Example of a ChatGPT interaction

1. Airbnb Host Messaging

Airbnb hosts need to be very responsive when communicating with guests and potential guests. That can be difficult, however, especially for hosts with multiple properties. Some hosts use automated chat bots, but these existing chat bots have limitations and don’t generally provide the same quality of experience to guests as a human would. Other hosts outsource messaging to the Phillipines, Jamaica, or other countries with cheap English-speaking labor. ChatGPT has the potential to disrupt both of those solutions with an AI-powered Airbnb messaging product that is both extremely cheap and high quality. Guests could be responded to within seconds every time.

2. Business phone automation

Automated phone systems have become the norm for many businesses. Call CVS for example, and you’ll be routed through repeated iterations of “press 1 if you are a doctor, press 2 for hours, press 3 for prescription status, press 4 to speak to a member of Congress”. That’s not a pleasant experience for customers. ChatGPT could potentially be used to route callers much more quickly and efficiently to the information or person they need. The basic pipeline would use three modules:

  1. Speech-to-text
  2. ChatGPT text response generation
  3. Text-to-speech

3. Shopping assistant SaaS

Make a chat-based shopping assistant saas product that online stores could use to help their site visitors express what they are looking for and discover matching products offered by that store.

4. Tinder trainer

Make a Tinder chat simulator that men can use to practice Tinder chat conversations with the goal of improving their conversational skills. The value proposition is to help men enhance their ability to go from Tinder match to real date.

5. VC pitch feedback simulator

Make a tool for entrepreneurs to simulate pitching a VC or angel investor. The value proposition would be for entrepreneurs to gain confidence, learn what type of questions to expect from a VC during a pitch, and learn overally how to pitch more effectively.

6. Public speaking simulator

Teach people to be better public speakers by training them with AI feedback. The user would speak into a microphone, and an AI audience (powered by ChatGPT) would generate questions and comments that the speaker-user would have to respond to. This speaking experience would be done in virtual reality.

7. Negotiation simulator

Teach people to negotiate by putting them through simulations with ChatGPT-powered adversaries. Simulate business negotiations, hostage negotiations, lease negotiations, etc.

A variant of this idea would be to build the negotiation simulator as a game rather than a training device. The negotiation game could simulate hostage negotiations, geopolitical negotiations, etc. However, to make the game idea work, you’d have to substantially modify ChatGPT since it is currently trained to not engage in violent discussions.

8. Software development agency

Sell your services to develop custom websites or mobile apps, but use ChatGPT to generate lots of the necessary code so that you can undercut competitors on price, deliver faster, and still have a larger profit margin than competitors. Sell your services to old-school small businesses like real estate brokerages, roofing contractors, restaurants, etc since it will take years if not decades for those types of businesses to be willing to use AI products directly.

9. Help bot development agency

Create a software development agency that builds AI help chatbots for SaaS companies. For each client, you would fine-tune a version of ChatGPT on that client’s database of previous client interactions (e.g. the interactions from their help desk emails).

10. Video game conversation engine

Build a SaaS product that allows game developers to add sophisticated AI conversational ability to any NPC with a single line of code.

CAVEAT: This probably wouldn’t be a very high-moat product.

11. OnlyFans message responder

OnlyFans content creators can be inundated with messages. Often, message responses are delegated to an assistant. However, a ChatGPT-based responder could be just as high of quality and much cheaper. To make this work, however, you would need to modify ChatGPT to be able to have explicit conversations.

Ricky Nave

In college, Ricky studied physics & math, won a prestigious research competition hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, started several small businesses including an energy chewing gum business and a computer repair business, and graduated with a thesis in algebraic topology. After graduating, Ricky attended grad school at Duke University in the mathematics PhD program where he worked on quantum algorithms & non-Euclidean geometry models for flexible proteins. He also worked in cybersecurity at Los Alamos during this time before eventually dropping out of grad school to join a startup working on formal semantic modeling for legal documents. Finally, he left that startup to start his own in the finance & crypto space. Now, he helps entrepreneurs pay less capital gains tax.

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