OBS Studio Audio Filter Settings for Blue Yeti

If you are a beginner to OBS Studio and have a Blue Yeti microphone that you wish to use for audio input, then here are the audio filter settings I recommend you try. Start with these and then adjust as necessary to fit your specific recording environment and desired output.

Filter 1: Noise Supression

Add a “Noise Suppression” filter with “Method” set to “RNNoise (good quality, more CPU usage)”.

Filter 2: Noise Gate

Add a “Noise Gate” filter. Set the Close Threshold to -32 dB and the Open Threshold to -26 dB. Adjust those two as necessary based on the ambient noise level in your recording environment.

Set the Attack Time to 25 ms, the Hold Time to 200 ms, and the Release Time to 150 ms (these may already be the default settings for those three variables).

Filter 3: Compressor

Add a “Compressor” filter. Set the parameters for the filter as follows:

  • Ratio 6:1
  • Threshold -18 dB
  • Attack 6 ms
  • Release 60 ms
  • Output Gain 0.00 dB
  • Sidechain/Ducking Source None

Filter 4: Limiter

Add a “Limiter” filter with the following parameters:

  • Threshold -2.20 dB
  • Release 60 ms

Ricky Nave

In college, Ricky studied physics & math, won a prestigious research competition hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, started several small businesses including an energy chewing gum business and a computer repair business, and graduated with a thesis in algebraic topology. After graduating, Ricky attended grad school at Duke University in the mathematics PhD program where he worked on quantum algorithms & non-Euclidean geometry models for flexible proteins. He also worked in cybersecurity at Los Alamos during this time before eventually dropping out of grad school to join a startup working on formal semantic modeling for legal documents. Finally, he left that startup to start his own in the finance & crypto space. Now, he helps entrepreneurs pay less capital gains tax.

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