An MLS is a regional database of properties listed for sale by real estate brokers in that region. There are more than 500 MLSs in the U.S. Below is a list of the 6 biggest MLSs in the U.S., as ranked by the total number of MLS subscribers during 2022.
1. California Regional MLS (CRMLS)
CRMLS was formed from the merger of multiple smaller MLS organizations, and CRMLS continues to pursue an aggressive merger strategy with the goal of aggregating all California listings into a single database. Sometimes political disagreements prevent a smaller MLS from merging with CRMLS, but in that case, CRMLS will often enter a data sharing agreement with that MLS instead so that its listings are still available in the CRMLS database.
Today, CRMLS has over 110,000 users, including real estate professionals from data sharing partner MLSs.
CRMLS is owned by California MLS, Inc. which is in turn owned by the California Association of Realtors, the California state counterpart of NAR.
2. Bright MLS
Bright MLS was formed in 2015 from the merger of 42 local association MLSs from parts of 6 states plus Washington D.C. Today, Bright MLS has over 95,000 subscribers.

3. Stellar MLS
Stellar MLS is a for-profit corporation owned by various local Realtor associations and serving others. Shareholder associations therefore stand to benefit more than non-shareholder associations who are merely customers of Stellar MLS. Stellar covers many listings in central Florida and Puerto Rico. Today, Stellar MLS has about 58,000 users.

It’s worthwhile noting that while Florida is one of 3 states in which net listings are legal in certain situations, the largest MLS in Florida (Stellar MLS) does not allow net listings.
4. Miami MLS
The Miami Association of Realtors maintains Miami MLS which contains listings from the associations members as well as two data-sharing partners (including BeachesMLS which has 36,000 subscribers). Miami MLS covers 5 southeast Florida counties (shown below).

The Miami Association of Realtors has approximately 55,000 members across its 6 suborganizations:
- Miami Residential
- Miami Commercial
- Broward-Miami
- JTHS-Miami (in the Jupiter-Tequesta-Hobe Sound area)
- Miami YPN (Young Professionals Network)
- Miami Global Council
According to the Association, there were 31,627 transactions in Miami-Dade County in 2022. Across all 5 counties, that means Miami MLS probably facilitated roughly 60,000-90,000 transactions.
5. Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED)
MRED LLC is an MLS serving 15 different local Realtor associations in Illinois. Between 45,000 and 50,000 brokers and agents use MRED as of 2023. A coverage map is shown below.

In 2022, MRED facilitated 127,434 transactions equating to $46.2 billion.
6. OneKey MLS
OneKey MLS was formed from the merger of MLS Long Island (MLSLI) and the Hudson Gateway MLS (HGMLS or HGAR) in 2020. Currently, OneKey MLS has over 45,000 agents and covers Long Island, the Hudson Valley, all 5 boroughs of NYC, and parts of Connecticut and New Jersey.