These are the 4 South Carolina zip codes with the highest median adult net worth. Rankings are based on a proprietary financial model that our company uses to find real estate investments. Some of the model’s inputs include IRS tax return statistics, census data, American Community Survey data, real estate listings, Federal Reserve inflation and wage data, local government economic reports, and more.
#4 29915

Less than 500 people live in this tiny island zip code, but the median household income is over $130,000.
#3 29401

About 30% of residents in this downtown Charleston zip code make over $200,000 a year, and capital gains income per capita is the highest of any zip code in the state at over $100,000.
#2 29451

4470 people live in this archipelagic suburb of Charleston. Many are high-earners who commute 45 minutes to work in Charleston.
#1 29482

More than 40% of Sullivan’s Island residents make over $200,000 a year, capital gains income per capita is almost $100,000, and total taxable income per capita is about $300,000.
If you’re looking for up-and-coming, undervalued, tax-privileged real estate investment opportunities, email me. We consult with investors all the time to help them find investment properties that fit their criteria anywhere in the United States. We can even help you find and implement opportunity zone investments, local government subsidized real estate investments, and more.