23 Profitable micro niche blog ideas for 2023

The smaller and more specific the niche, the less competition you are likely to have and the more relevant your articles will seem to Google searchers. Micro niches also allow you to gain authority with Google faster and to gain more trust from your audience. Higher trust translates to easier monetization. So, here are 23 profitable micro niche blog ideas for 2023. Every micro niche included on this list is both (1) seeing a growth trend and (2) part of a category where people are willing to spend money.

1. Pickleball

Just as the Great Depression caused a Cambrian explosion of new hobbies due to the increased unemployment and therefore free time that people had, so has the covid pandemic caused an explosion of new hobbies. Hobbies make great niches, and newly popular hobbies have little competition. Pickleball in particular has seen a massive surge in interest and adoption over the past couple years, yet there are relatively few blogs dedicated to pickleball. That is an opportunity.

2. TikTok

You could blog about TikTok trends (maybe even have a daily list of top trends and/or discuss the origin of TikTok trends in the same way that knowyourmeme.com discusses the origin of memes). Alternatively, you could focus on how to grow a TikTok account. That might bring you a more monetizable audience.

3. Birdwatching

A birdwatching blog can include very monetizable articles such as “the 5 best binoculars for birdwatching” (with affiliate links) and “best apps for birdwatching” (again with affiliate links).

4. Stargazing

A stargazing blog can discuss constellations, telescopes, when and how to view different planets, how to take good pictures through a telescope, etc. Monetization can be through affiliate links for telescopes, telescope lenses, cameras, star chart apps, etc.

5. The game of Go

Create a blog dedicated to the ancient strategy game of Go (how to play it, strategies, news, etc). To monetize the blog (in addition to ads), you could dropship Go boards through your own store that is built into the website. You could also offer premium lessons or sell e-books on strategy.

6. Pokemon

A pokemon blog could review pokemon games, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different pokemon, discuss how to collect pokemon cards (including how to find, verify, and value pokemon cards), discuss pokemon cosplay, etc.

7. Mocktails

There is a growing interest in fun activities and consumables that don’t revolve around alcohol, and mocktails are a natural winner of that trend. You could create a blog entirely dedicated to mocktail and other non-alcoholic beverage recipes.

8. Podcast production

There is a clear upward trend in Google searches for podcast equipment (ignore the data from before 2011 as that is not comparable to the later data). Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, and as more people decide to start their own podcast, the demand for information about how to produce podcasts will continue to grow.

9. Pet dogs

Pets are increasingly popular in the U.S. as young adults choose to have less kids and fill their hearts with pets instead. Dogs in particular remain a popular pet choice that owners are very willing to spend money on even during recessions.

A dog pet blog could focus on all things dog or could focus on a more specific topic like dog potty training.

10. Pet cats

Example cat blog topics include hiking with a cat, cat toys to keep your cats from getting bored, cat food, cat health, cat collars, cat trackers, POV cat cameras, cat costumes, and cat clothing.

11. Pet rabbits

Rabbits are not as popular as cats or dogs as pets, but they are growing in popularity at a faster rate, and there are fewer blog competitors in the pet rabbit niche than the pet dog or pet cat niches.

12. How to start a cannabis business

There is a steady stream of cannabis law and regulation changes coming from different states, and soon there will probably be federal changes as well. These changes are and will continue to create a lot of new business opportunities, from CBD pet products to cannabis bars. Create a blog that covers everything someone needs to know to launch a cannabis business, from licenses to bank accounts to marketing and distribution.

13. Work from home

Despite the pandemic, the majority of Americans still do not work from home, but the inevitable march towards more and more remote work continues. That means there is plenty of room for the WFH trend to grow. As it does, people and companies will have questions about everything from the best way to make people feel connected while working from home to the most ergonomic chair for a home office.

14. Kidney disease

Kidney disease is a top 10 disease in America, and Google search interest continues to grow. It’s a medical topic which means it will be difficult to rank for this on Google unless you are a medical professional who can link your LinkedIn and other social proof to your blog for Google to see.

However, if you have experienced kidney disease or have cared for a family member with kidney disease, you could write a blog from that perspective (e.g. “how to live with kidney disease” or “how to care for a family member with kidney disease” would be the niche).

15. Diabetes

Diabetes is another medical micro niche that could be extremely profitable if you have the patience to gain Google authority on the topic. To make it work, you will need to either be a medical professional or have personal experience as a diabetic or someone who has cared for diabetics (e.g. a diabetic spouse, parent, or child).

16. How to become a pilot

Related queries include:

  • commercial pilot acs
  • flying lessons near me
  • pilot training near me
  • flight schools near me
  • what can you do with a private pilot license

17. Artificial Intelligence

If you are a software engineer or computer scientist with a solid understanding of AI models (especially the newer models like GPT, DALL-E, etc), then you could create a blog that explains how these models work and what they can be used for. The target audience would be other software developers with less expertise in AI.

18. Canva

Canva is eating Photoshop’s lunch, and there are tons of new users with questions about how it works. Create an informational blog dedicated just to Canva, or if you are more ambitious, you could also talk about other next-gen design tools like Figma as well. You might even talk about how designers can use AI tools like DALL-E as well.

19. Notion

Notion is a productivity tool that is sort of like Google Docs + Google Calendar + Google Sheets all in one, yet different. There isn’t really a perfect way to describe it so you really just have to play with it for 15 minutes to understand. Like Canva, Notion has exploded in popularity over the last several years, and it still has much room to grow. Create a blog with tutorials, templates, and use cases for Notion.

20. Dungeons & Dragons

This game is growing on the back of Netflix’s “Stranger Things” series, but even before that, the game was growing in popularity. You could create a blog with articles that are different parts of campaigns for players to use.

21. Blockchain software developer

From 2002-2005, few people were interested in the internet. Most people thought it was a fad that had come and gone, yet it was during that time when Facebook, YouTube, Wayfair, ServiceNow, GoDaddy, Shopify, Newegg, Etsy, DocuSign, and Groupon were all founded.

Analogously, many people closed out 2022 with the idea that cryptocurrencies and blockchain were just bubbles with no real value. However, those who understand the technology know that isn’t the case. Blockchains will play a huge role in the future, and there will be a need for many more blockchain developers than currently exist. You could provide an informational blog with tutorials and explanations of blockchain software development topics.

22. Drone photography & videography

Google searches for “best drone for photography” appear to be trending upwards slightly which indicates a growing interest in drone photography. Additionally, by creating articles about drone photography for TikTok, you could also tap into the high-growth set of TikTok-related searches.

23. Game development

Gaming is a high growth industry, but consumer-oriented gaming content is a very saturated market which makes creating a new blog based around game reviews or gaming tech difficult. However, as the industry grows, there is growing demand for information on how to build games. You could start a blog with articles specifically focused on how to build Roblox games before eventually expanding to other types of game development as well. You could also focus on VR game development which is even less saturated than Roblox game development.

For more inspiration on topics for a niche blog business, check out these 17 examples of websites that serve niche markets.

Ricky Nave

In college, Ricky studied physics & math, won a prestigious research competition hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, started several small businesses including an energy chewing gum business and a computer repair business, and graduated with a thesis in algebraic topology. After graduating, Ricky attended grad school at Duke University in the mathematics PhD program where he worked on quantum algorithms & non-Euclidean geometry models for flexible proteins. He also worked in cybersecurity at Los Alamos during this time before eventually dropping out of grad school to join a startup working on formal semantic modeling for legal documents. Finally, he left that startup to start his own in the finance & crypto space. Now, he helps entrepreneurs pay less capital gains tax.

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